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Celebrate Mother Nature: Earth Day facts and energy saving tips

Apr 18, 2014 | 0 comments

On April 22 billions will celebrate Mother Earth for Earth Day in 190 different countries around the globe. Earth day is a time to celebrate being green and preserving our natural resources, such as water, trees and the animals.

The start of Earth Day goes back to the protests during the Vietnam War in the 1960s, when the grassroots movement wanted to raise the awareness of environmental issues. It was not until April 22, 1970 when Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day and the world started to pay attention to environmental concerns. The increase in environmental awareness has many organizations and political projects have been created, including the Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Water, Clean Air and Endangered Species acts.

In addition to raising environmental awareness, Earth Day-related initiatives, including recycling, reusing and remanufacturing of items has created more than three million jobs in the United States. Plus, recycling saves three to five times the energy used to incinerate waste.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, there are multiple ways to save energy right in your own home. Some of these energy saving tips include:

  • Unplug unused appliances
  • Set computers to sleep
  • Control temperatures
  • Turn off lights

For answers to your electrical-related questions or for ways to conserve energy in the local Conejo Valley area, contact Fornoff Electric. We are available and ready to help you become more green this Earth Day.