by Mark Fornoff | Feb 12, 2014 | Fornoff Electric Blog, Helpful Tips, How To
Modern life is packed with conveniences that require a steady supply of electricity. As comfort seekers, Americans demand optimal levels of light, heat, cooling and entertainment. Once the electric bill arrives, pain in the household budget requires significant...
by Mark Fornoff | Feb 7, 2014 | Fornoff Electric Blog
Switches that trigger the proper response can lull the homeowner into a sense of false security. Aging electrical systems can pose significant risks as larger demands are placed on each circuit. New appliances and electronics are larger, yet more efficient. Older...
by Mark Fornoff | Feb 3, 2014 | Fornoff Electric Blog, Safety
Did you know that motion sensor lights are one of the easiest ways to improve home safety? Home intruders typically rely on stealth and darkness to break into homes. Once a criminal has triggered a motion sensor light, they will often feel exposed and immediately...